What Is Ayurveda?

In Sanskrit it means ‘The Science of Life’. According to ancient Hindu beliefs, Ayurveda was gifted to mankind from the Gods to help the mortals on Earth lead a healthy and fruitful life free from mortal ailments.

Originating from India, Ayurveda is a holistic wellbeing science practiced from over 5000 years ago. Its practices have spread as far as China, Afghanistan and Persia. It developed around the same time as Hinduism and Buddhism.

Ayurveda is a holistic system that looks at the human being as a whole; mentally, physically and emotionally. In Ayurveda symptoms and diseases that would be classified as thoughts and feelings, are just as important as those of physical ailments. Both are imbalances in a person. Restoring ones’ mental and physical balance with lifestyle alterations in combination with therapy treatments is a atypical Ayurvedic approach to holistic wellness. Only natural plant-based products are used with no chemicals added.

The Philosophy of Ayurveda-

The entire universe is part of one singular absolute. Everything that appears in the vast Universe also appears in the internal Cosmos of the human body. Therefore, the health of a human body is correlated to the health of the universe. Ayurveda’s focus on a holistic well-being, suggests that a healthy mind is found in a healthy body and vice versa. It believes true health is synonymous with maintaining a balance between one’s mind, body and soul. The absolute objective is to achieve a state of perfect health for the individual, for society and for the overall environment and the Laws of Nature.

The key reason for the success of Ayurveda still today is because it is in sync with Mother Nature and promotes a way of life in tandem with Her.

Ayurvedic Treatment Approaches-

Ayurveda has a two-fold approach towards treatment:

Curative- for those who already have illnesses that have already manifested

Preventative & Rejuvenation-for those who wish to maintain and enhance their current state of health

Kinds of Illnesses Ayurveda aids:

  • Anxiety, Stress and Insomnia

  • Asthma, Sinusitis

  • Acne

  • Digestive Disorders (Constipation, IBS, Acid Reflux)

  • Diabetes, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure

  • Migraines, Eye Disorders, Paralysis

  • Menopause

  • Reproductive Disorders (Infertility)

  • Joint & Muscle Pain & Arthritis

  • Weight Management