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My expertise is split into 3 Therapy Streams:
The purpose of an Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle consultation is to enable an Ayurvedic consultant to understand what health concerns you have, to help restore you to your natural healthy self. This will include asking in depth questions about your health and medical history, along with doing an Ayurvedic pulse and tongue diagnosis.
The D&L Consultation will provide information for me to create a personalised D&L Treatment Plan to be followed for over a period of 4 weeks or more as needed.
The D&L Treatment Plan will include advice on nutritional and lifestyle changes, and you will be advised to take herbs, practice yoga therapy and have Ayurvedic massage treatments, depending on what is needed to improve your health and wellbeing. However, the suggested herbs, & massage treatments are not part of the Consultation price.
The Diet & Lifestyle Plan-
It involves the 5 Ayurvedic approaches towards bringing balance to your mind, body & soul.
Diet (Lacto- Vegetarian focus)
Ayurvedic Massage Therapies
Yoga (Hatha) & Breathing exercises
Daily Routines (Dinacharya)
Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle Consultation
Initial Consultation (in person) £95 (90 mins)
Follow Ups (online/Phone): £60 (45mins)
Not included in Price: price for herbs, massage treatments
Diet & Lifestyle Package
Chandra Package: £345*
Duration: 1 month
See explanation in the Menu Surya D&L Package
Not included in Package Price: price for herbs, massage treatments
*Diet & Lifestyle Package customers only, will receive £5 off for non-specialist massage treatments and £10 off for specialist massage treatments.
For Bookings, please email me at:
Ayurvedic Massage Therapy follows the principle of bringing balance to the Body & Mind. Massage therapies involve using herb infused sesame oil, warmed and applied over the body.
Ayurveda Massage works best when done in conjunction with a supervised Ayurvedic Diet & Lifestyle Therapy Plan. However, it can also be done without a supervised Therapy Plan.
It is important to note that Ayurvedic Massage is not like Deep Tissue Sports Massage, Thai Massage or Physio Massage.
Manual Therapies:
Abhyanga (Full Body Massage) 60 min £ 90
A relaxing massage for the whole body done in rhythmic strokes that helps revitalise and detoxify the body. Promotes wellbeing.
Mukha Abhyanga (Face Massage) 30 min £55
It is a light application of oil massaged into the face, which relaxes and stimulates the facial muscles, reduces tension & helps drain the sinuses. Note it is not like a classic beauty facial.
Nabhi Abhyanga (Abdominal Massage) 45 min £70
A good massage for those with digestion difficulties or constipation & also helps with bloating and weight loss.
Shiro Abhyanga (Head Massage) 30 min £50 /45 min £70
An invigorating head massage done in seated position. It includes the head, neck and shoulders. It is ideal for migraine sufferers, stress relief and stimulates the scalp.
Prishta Abhyanga (Back Massage) 30 min £50 /45min £70
Therapeutic treatment of the upper & lower back, shoulders and neck. Helps relieve tension build up. Beneficial for those suffering from localised pain or tightness in the back area.
Pada Abhyanga (Foot Massage) 30 min £50 /45min £70
A relaxing massage of the foot, soles, calves and around the knee joints. A good massage for tired feet. (see package options below)
Hasta Abhyanga (Hand Massage) 30 min £50 /45 min £70
An extremely relaxing massage of the upper and lower arm, hand and palms, which helps reduce dryness in the body. (see package options below).
Ayurveda Specialist Treatments:
Marma Abhyanga (Full Body Massage focused on Energy Points) 90 min £135
This Massage has so many benefits. Marmas are vital energy points in the body that can get blocked, due to several factors such as stress.
This massage helps reduce these blockages and the stress and bring balance back to your body. The massage also encourages better blood and lymphatic circulation. This improves oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues, supports toxin removal, and promotes cellular repair and rejuvenation.
Pinda Sveda (Herb Bundles) 60 min £95
A gentle oil massage for the body with heated herb bundles. It benefits muscle and joint aches, improves blood circulation and eliminates toxins.
Udvartana (Full Body Herb Scrub) 60 min £95
An invigorating herb body scrub massaged into the body. Helps to cleanse and exfoliate and good for weight loss and circulation issues.
Shirodhara (Oil Pouring onto Forehead) 45 min £90 / 60 min £120
A deeply relaxing, gentle massage of oil rhythmically flowing onto the forehead. It benefits anxiety, sleep and stress.
Garbhini (Pregnancy Massage) / 2nd + 3rd trimester only 60 min £80
A gentle massage for low-risk pregnancies. It brings balance and vitality to you. It will reduce some of the symptoms of pregnancy such as help to reduce swelling, improve blood circulation and give relief to lower back pain.
Post Natal Massage -(up to 6months post childbirth) 60 min £80
This is a gentle massage treatment to bring calm and rejuvenation to your body after childbirth. It will bring back strength to tissues that have been involved in the act of childbirth.
Basti: Localised warm oil treatments
A relaxing and rejuvenating treatment for either the lower back, heart region or the upper back.
Warm herb oil sits on the treated area for a period, which benefits the deeper tissue levels of joints and bones. A wonderful treatment for stress and tension relief.
Kati Basti (Lower Back) 45 mins £90
Hridhya (Heart/Chest) 45 mins £90
Nabhi (Navel) 45 mins £90
Greeva (Upper Back) 45 mins £90
Massage Treatment Packages:
Combined 2 treatments with Back Massage (Prishta). Either Foot Massage (Pada) or Hand Massage (Hasta)-total treatment time 60mins £90
Combined 2 treatments with Face Massage (Mukha). Either Foot Massage (Pada) or Hand Massage (Hasta)-total treatment time 60mins £90
For Bookings, please email me at:
Yoga Postures + Breathing exercises
Yoga is one of the 5 Principles of Ayurveda practice. It involves, Yoga postures & Breathing exercises as part of the Diet & Lifestyle Therapy Plan.
Yoga and Breathing exercises help reduce stress, anxiety and improve flexibility. Through Yoga and Breathing exercises, you develop the ability to strengthen your sense of calmness, relax the mind and feed the soul.
If you are doing a Diet & Lifestyle Therapy Plan, then these are explained and demonstrated to you.
However, if you require more 1:1 Yoga time to discuss and/or learn more, then this can be arranged as a separate Follow Up appointment.
Yoga Follow Up (30min) £45
For Bookings, please email me at: