How The Surya D&L Package works:

Step 1

Your Initial Consultation will be in person and will last 90mins. At this visit, I will discuss in detail, all your health concerns. Through asking you questions about your daily diet & lifestyle habits, your medical history, doing a pulse diagnosis and a tongue analysis, I will gain valuable information about the state of your health. With this information, I will better understand how your body, mind and emotions are functioning to discover where and what are the imbalances and what needs to be done to bring you back to a healthy balanced state.

Step 4

In the 4th week of the Therapy Plan, you will book in to see me for a final follow up which will be 30 mins approx. (can be in person/online). This is when we can see the effects of the Treatment Plan. If it needs to be extended and tweaked or it has been a success. This final assessment gives time for the effects of the changes prescribed in the D&L Therapy Plan to be seen.

For Bookings please email me at:

Step 2

From the findings of the Initial Consultation, I will make a diagnosis and will decide on the D&L therapy plan to be given 7 days after our first meeting.

In addition to advice on nutritional and lifestyle changes, you will be advised to take herbs, practice yoga therapy and have Ayurvedic massage treatments, depending on what is needed to improve your health and wellbeing. All suggestions will be in sync with the work and social environment you live in.

All food, herbs and oils prescribed are based on Ayurvedic principles and are all natural products free from artificial chemicals and non-natural substances.

(* Not Included in the D&L Package price: herbs, oils and massage treatments)

Step 3

At your 2nd Consultation, which will last 45mins (can be in person or online) you will receive your Customised D&L Therapy Plan (7 days after your Initial Consultation). You will be guided in how to follow your customised Therapy Plan. I will explain in detail all the steps and what to do. Support will be there.